I never thought two little letters could make my day. Well they did. We have travel approval people!!! What does this mean? That in about two weeks I will be in China waiting for our son.
Our agency is hoping that we will get the children on August 18th - with travel and turn around time I will likely leave on the 14th or 15th. I am amazed - I had pretty much scratched August travel from my mind because of the Olympics, guess not. I will keep everyone posted as we might not have firm dates until as late as next Friday - the 8th and I could potentially leave the next week. Crazy thought, I had better get packing.
Jackson here I come. We can't wait to get you home little guy!
Speaking from experience of living in China several years at the summer time, here are so reminders:
Bring deoderant
Bring snacks, snacks, snacks
If you use hair appliances, make sure they say Dual Voltage AND bring an adaptor. (some hotels will loan you one)
You will SO SO hot--if you can get some sort of hydration tablets, it will be useful.
Good luch and I hope your Gotcha Day is full of Joy.
Yea!!! I didn't think anyone would travel during Olympics either. I can't wait to see Jackson with his family. Safe tripping and send pics soon.
waiting Wuxi mom
Congratulations, you guys! Another XingFu kid on his way home! Yay!
xoxo Maia and Fang Fang
Congratulations from another Bethany momma! I can't believe y'all will travel during the Olympics... what a blessing to not have to wait anymore.
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