Thank you everyone for your comments and emails of support it really has helped to lift my spirits. I will not lie, it has not been an easy road. So different compared to Addison's adoption trip. Jackson is very sweet, but he also has a nasty temper and is very confused at times to what is happening. Especially after seeing the orphanage staff three days in a row - agh! What must have been going through his little mind. Each day I see more love and less rage and anxiety. He is definitely feeling more secure and feeling better physically. The white oozing has stopped and the stitches are looking better and better.
First a little back story, so of you may know as I emailed you. In his belongings on gotcha day was a note from and young American woman, a teacher that fostered him on and off since the fall of last year. We were able to catch up with her during our visit to Wuxi. Her organization works with several orphanages throughout China visiting, playing with and fostering children. They even raise money for surgeries. So glad I was able to meet this important person in Jackson's life.
The orphanage visit was difficult because Jackson has just finished screaming for the better part of an hour when we pulled in so I was out of sorts. We had lunch, toured, saw some older children, toddlers, and babies (sorry no photos allowed), and met with various officials. I tried so eel at lunch, pretty tasty, also bitter melon, the "famous" Wuxi ribs, and prawns. It was a difficult day, Jackson looked around when we got there and nestled in and wouldn't let me go. I did manage to get a quick shot with him and his nannies.
I stayed on in Wuxi and the group headed back - had dinner at TGIFridays (some good ole' American fare) and the his foster mom and her friend helped me take the bullet train back to Nanjing - so much faster than the 3 hour van ride. At this point though Jackson was melting down every hour or so - totally miserable, but I knew the train would be better than the bus.
Thursday - we stayed in and Dr. Gong prescribed some medicine for Jackson's mouth and helped me iron out a diet that would be better on his stomach. So hard when you're living at a hotel. Last night we ordered Pizza Hut and all hung out in the Stephen's suite - a very nice night in. Jackson loved watching the Kern kids play soccer and even got a few kicks in himself.
Today- Far fewer meltdowns, although he didn't sleep to great. I think we had a major break through this morning. He will just pitch a fit wherever, hit, scratching, kicking, squirming, through himself on the floor (even backwards). I put a blanket on the floor and let him get angry, I kept offering myself to him over and over and finally he came to me on his own terms. Things have been better since then. I think he was a favorite and the orphanage and of course with his foster mom because he really know how to work it to get what he wants. I am head to toe bruises as proof. I don't blame him one bit, given what he has been through in the last 19 months. He had to do something to get attention and this worked for him. Another sweet little girl in our group is a hitter/biter all coping mechanisms of orphanage life - in time these will get better.
For lunch we ate at a fabulous German restaurant, I know German food in China. It was so good. Perhaps we are all homesick for something other than Chinese food, which is actually pretty varied. I had meatloaf with mushroom sauce, roasted potatoes, a caffe latte, and Jackson and I split a chocolate sundae - MMMM! For you XingFu families coming to the Nanjing Grand you MUST eat at the German place across the street.
OK, must pack. We leave for Guangzhou in the morning. Kimberly P. have an awesome trip picking up Tian Li. Addie and Daddy have a safe trip up north. I miss you all and will be home in 6 Days!!!!
Here are some pictures:

Entrance hall of Wuxi SWI

Foster Mom

All of us together!

One of Jackson's nannies


Visiting my foster Mom's classroom

Lounging around

Being silly

More silliness

Self portrait