Really has it been four years? I still remember walking into that conference room in Nanchang waiting for the babies to arrive. We spotted Addie right away - couldn't miss those checks.

Addie & Daddy

Addie & Mommy

1st Family Snapshot

1st Gotcha Anniversary [2007]

2nd Gotcha Anniversary [2008]

3rd Gotcha Anniversary [2008]

4 Years!!
We are headed to the railroad show and the circus tomorrow to celebrate! We are still in awe that this beautiful, smart. kind-hearted little girls is ours. We are so blessed.
She is a cutie pie. :) Love to see how she's growing. Happy Gotcha Day to you guys. Have a wonderful celebration!
Hi Tracy,
I don't know if you remember me, but I wanted to wish your family a Happy Forever Family Day!
While you may not remember who I am, I'll never forget you! You posted that referrals had come in on March 18th,2005, which was the day that our family received the referral for our little Anna girl.I remember that I was so nervous waiting to hear anything with tears and all, (I'd been really calm up to that day) when I looked at the China Bethany forum and you had posted!
Thank you for taking the time to post, Tracy! You made our day! :)
holly m. Bethany Momma
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